Mathematics and Informatics Program

HOMEMathematics and Informatics Program

Mathematics and Informatics Program

Research Fields

  • Mathematical Analysis

    Number theory, Differential geometry, Topology, Complex analysis, Real analysis, and so on.

  • Mathematical Science of Information

    Algebra, Theory of functional equations, Applied analysis, Numerical analysis, Probability theory, and so on.

  • Computer Software System

    We conduct education and research on digital signal processing and its applications.
    Signals of interest include audio, imaging, economics, finance, cosmic rays, biological signal, and, many others. The processing of such signals includes denoising, compression, visualization techniques, and brain-computer interfaces.

  • Medical Information Sensing

    We conduct education and research on the theory and applications of noninvasive ultrasonic imaging and sensing of morphological and functional information of biological bodies. In particular, we develop advanced signal- and image-processing techniques, such as ultrasonic beamforming, target motion estimation, and tissue viscoelasticity estimation, for ultrasonic measurements.

  • Biological Information Processing

    We conduct education and research in bioinformatics. We investigate the relationship between gene sequence, protein structure/function, eural/cardiac function, behavior, and disease using computer protein structure modeling, in-silico pathogenicity prediction, and electrophysiological/behavioral measurements. We also conduct education and research on visual information processing engineering, color engineering, evaluation and analysis of CG/3- D visible images, optical and visual environment engineering, traffic visual environment engineering, urban landscape lighting, and the development of universal designs for elderly persons and people with synesthesia.

  • Information Communication Networks

    We conduct education and research on optical signal processing, transmission systems for the signals of emergency events such as earthquakes, modulation systems, transmission systems, optical communication systems, and information communication networks.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    We conduct education and research on the design, analysis, and evaluation of various artificial intelligent methodologies, including the artificial neural
    networks which are inspired by the human brain’s architecture and information processing mechanisms, the deep learning which is able to learn by itself,
    particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, error backpropagation
    method, genetic algorithm, evolutionary strategy, and other machine learning

  • Quantum Information

    We are working on quantum information where application of quantum mechanics offers revolutionary improvements to information processing. In particular, we are aiming at the realization of quantum communication, such as quantum key distribution and quantum repeaters.

  • Computational Biophotonics

    We conduct research and education aimed at creating basic principles of next-generation medical measurement and diagnostic technology and building an academic system by combining photon science, laser spectroscopy, optical communication technology and information science.

  • Human- Computer Interaction

    We conduct education and research on the analysis and evaluation of human cognition and social interaction, and on the design of information technologies that support people’s intellectual activities in real life.
    For this purpose, we use a combination of multimodal measurement of brain, psychological, physiological, and behavioral activities with data science and artificial intelligence techniques.

  • Mathematical Analysis

    Number theory, Differential geometry, Topology, Complex analysis, Real analysis, and so on.

  • Mathematical Science of Information

    Algebra, Theory of functional equations, Applied analysis, Numerical analysis, Probability theory, and so on.

  • Computer Software System

    We conduct education and research on digital signal processing and its applications.
    Signals of interest include audio, imaging, economics, finance, cosmic rays, biological signal, and, many others. The processing of such signals includes denoising, compression, visualization techniques, and brain-computer interfaces.

  • Medical Information Sensing

    We conduct education and research on the theory and applications of noninvasive ultrasonic imaging and sensing of morphological and functional information of biological bodies. In particular, we develop advanced signal- and image-processing techniques, such as ultrasonic beamforming, target motion estimation, and tissue viscoelasticity estimation, for ultrasonic measurements.

  • Biological Information Processing

    We conduct education and research in bioinformatics. We investigate the relationship between gene sequence, protein structure/function, eural/cardiac function, behavior, and disease using computer protein structure modeling, in-silico pathogenicity prediction, and electrophysiological/behavioral measurements. We also conduct education and research on visual information processing engineering, color engineering, evaluation and analysis of CG/3- D visible images, optical and visual environment engineering, traffic visual environment engineering, urban landscape lighting, and the development of universal designs for elderly persons and people with synesthesia.

  • Information Communication Networks

    We conduct education and research on optical signal processing, transmission systems for the signals of emergency events such as earthquakes, modulation systems, transmission systems, optical communication systems, and information communication networks.

  • Artificial Intelligence

    We conduct education and research on the design, analysis, and evaluation of various artificial intelligent methodologies, including the artificial neural
    networks which are inspired by the human brain’s architecture and information processing mechanisms, the deep learning which is able to learn by itself,
    particle swarm optimization, ant colony optimization, error backpropagation
    method, genetic algorithm, evolutionary strategy, and other machine learning

  • Quantum Information

    We are working on quantum information where application of quantum mechanics offers revolutionary improvements to information processing. In particular, we are aiming at the realization of quantum communication, such as quantum key distribution and quantum repeaters.

  • Computational Biophotonics

    We conduct research and education aimed at creating basic principles of next-generation medical measurement and diagnostic technology and building an academic system by combining photon science, laser spectroscopy, optical communication technology and information science.

  • Human- Computer Interaction

    We conduct education and research on the analysis and evaluation of human cognition and social interaction, and on the design of information technologies that support people’s intellectual activities in real life.
    For this purpose, we use a combination of multimodal measurement of brain, psychological, physiological, and behavioral activities with data science and artificial intelligence techniques.

Faculty Members

Research Fields Name Research Topics Link

Prof.Masato Kikuchi Lorentz空間などに代表される再配列不変空間におけるマルチンゲールの理論を研究しています。

Prof.Takashi Koda 多様体上の幾何学、特に等質空間などを研究しています。

Prof.Setsuo Nagai 空間の中に、どのような曲面がどのように入っているかを微分積分学を用いて調べる、部分多様体論という分野の研究をしています。

Prof.Keiko Fujita 解析汎関数論、解析関数の積分公式とその応用について研究しています。

Assoc. Prof.Tatsuya Kawabe 多様体への不連続な群作用や、それらの空間形の幾何学について研究しています。

Assoc. Prof.Iwao Kimura 代数体の岩澤理論、有限体上の代数関数体の数論、および計算機数論を研究しています。
Mathematical Science

of Information
Prof.Kei-ichi Ueda 自然現象にみられる様々な自己組織化現象の発生機構やダイナミクスを調べています。
Mathematical Science

of Information
Prof.Yasuhiro Fujita Hamilton-Jacobi方程式と病的函数の間の対応構造について研究しています。
Mathematical Science

of Information
Prof.Hiroyuki Yamane スーパーリー代数や量子群をコクセター半群の理論を整備しながら研究しています。
Mathematical Science

of Information
Assoc. Prof.Masakazu Akiyama 数学を用いて、生物学、医学、脳科学、物質科学を橋渡しするような融合研究を目指します。
Mathematical Science

of Information
Assoc. Prof.Hideo Deguchi コロンボの一般関数の理論を用いた偏微分方程式の研究を行っています。
Computer Software

Prof.Shigeki Hirobayashi 信号表現法に関する研究、高分解能の周波数解析法に関する研究、仮想音響空間の創出に関する研究、楽器解析に関する研究、音・画像・動画などの次世代符号化技術に関する研究、経済時系列の周期性に着目した時系列予測に関する研究
Computer Software

Assoc. Prof.Tadanobu Misawa 脳機能計測による認知機能の解明、複雑系(マルチエージェントシステムなど)、機械学習など、人工知能に関する理論と応用に関する教育・研究を行います。
Computer Software

Asst. Prof.Masaya Hasegawa
Medical Information

Prof.Hideyuki Hasegawa ⽣体の⾮侵襲イメージングを⽬的とした超⾳波⾳場制御技術、⾼時間分解能超⾳波イメージングによる⽣体構造及び機能評価を⽬的とした計測⼿法と信号・画像処理技術に関する理論と応⽤に関する教育・研究を⾏います。
Medical Information

Assoc. Prof.Ryo Nagaoka 超音波を用いて生体構造や機能の非侵襲的なイメージング及び評価に関する教育・研究を行います。
Medical Information

Asst. Prof.Masaaki Omura 生体組織性状の定量評価を目的とした超音波イメージングにおける信号処理,画像処理技術に関する教育・研究を行います.
Biological Information

Prof.Toshihide Tabata より人間に近い人工知能等を開発するヒントを得るため、電気生理学、蛍光イメージング、電気化学、遺伝子学、行動学、バイオインフォマティックス等を駆使して、ヒトや動物の神経系の認知機能や学習・記憶のメカニズムに関する研究・教育を行います。
Biological Information

Assoc. Prof.Mamoru Takamatsu 我々の視覚と脳における情報処理過程をモデル化する視覚情報処理と感性工学に関する研究を行います。特に、運転者の視環境改善による交通事故対策や安全確保への取り組み、ライトアップ照明による街の賑わい創出・活性化などの研究・教育を行います。
Information Communication

Prof.Koji Kikushima 光信号処理、地震津波など緊急放送信号の伝送⽅式、変調⽅式、通信⽅式、光通信システム、情報通信ネットワークの構成法に関する教育・研究を⾏います。

Prof.Zheng Tang 脳・神経系、免疫系、内分泌系及び遺伝系情報処理、生体情報処理機構、知覚情報処理、ヒューマンインタフェイスに関する教育・研究を行います。

Assoc. Prof.Shangce Gao 人間の脳の仕組みをまねた人工ニューラルネットワーク及び人工知能が自ら学ぶディープラーニング、蟻コロニーなどの群知能最適化、誤差逆伝播法、遺伝的アルゴリズム、進化戦略など幅広い機械学習の開発、解析及び評価方法に関する教育・研究を行う。

Prof.Kiyoshi Tamaki 量⼦⼒学の原理を利⽤することによって、⾰新的な情報処理を可能にする量⼦情報の教育・研究を⾏います。特に、量⼦鍵配送や量⼦中継などの量⼦通信の実現に必要な理論研究を行います。

Prof.Takashi Katagiri 光量⼦科学、レーザー分光学、光通信技術と情報科学の融合による次世代医⽤光計測・診断技術の基本原理の創出と学問体系の構築を⽬指した教育・研究を⾏います。

Assoc. Prof.Yusuke Oshima 最先端のレーザーや顕微鏡技術を駆使した生体計測、診断、光線力学療法や画像情報処理・AI技術などを生命科学・医療分野へ応用し、社会実装を目指します。光と生体の相互作用とそのメカニズムについて体系的に学び、工学研究者・技術者・生物学者・臨床医と連携しながら研究を行います。

Prof.Takayuki Nozawa 脳・心理・行動・生理のマルチモーダル計測と,データサイエンスおよび人工 知能の手法を活用し,人の健康な認知と社会的相互作用を理解・評価・支援する 方法の研究を行います.